China first original manfacturer
equiped with vaginal laxity measurement
very effective for vaginal tightening,smoothing
40.68mhz Monopolar Focus RF technology
Thermolift with Vacuum for face,eyes
mini shape fractional rf +four polar rf technology
eyebag removal,face lifting,wrinkle removal machine
New Hot Body Slimming Machine
448khz RF Ret Cet with Vacuum
Best Effect for body slimming
Mechanical roller vacuum cavitation rf technology with infrared
Best for Body massage,fat burnig,lymphatic drainage
2021 Best Body Shaping Machine
448khz Tescar therapy CET RET RF with Vacuum
4 in 1 Vacuum roller+Cavitation+RF+Infrared
Effective for body shaping,fat removal
Vacuum radio frequency cavitation technology
Whole body shaping,massage and fat burning